Privacy Portal

The data protection officer will be notified of your request immediately and will respond within 10 days once the identify information is verified.

    I would like to…

    * Note that when we receive a request to “opt out”, “delete”, or “do not sell” a consumer’s personal information, we interpret these requests all as “do not sell requests”. This information allows us to prevent that information from being added to our database at a later time. If this is NOT what you intended for us to do, please notify us by emailing us at Your “opt out” request will be effective within 15 days of the receipt of your request.

    ** If you request removal from this type of advertising, we also recommend that you view the "opt out" industry-wide pages of the NAI and DAA, which may have more comprehensive "opt out" options.

    Verify Your Identity

    To obtain access to the categories of personal information we have collected, we are required to verify your identity. We provide two ways for you to verify your identity, based on the information we may have collected.

    The first is verification by name and email address: if you choose to verify that way, we will send a verification form to your email address, and upon confirmation that you are in possession of that email address we will provide you with categories of personal information we have associated with that email address.

    If you wish to verify in that manner, please click here:

    Alternatively, you may verify your identify by providing your name and home address. If you choose to verify that way, we will mail a form to your home address, and upon its return and confirmation that you are the California resident to whose address we have directed that form, we will provide you with the categories of personal information we have associated with that postal address.

    Thank you for reaching out to Dataline, Inc.